SLDC of Inasis Maybank Held a Cordial Eid ul Azha Reunion

SLDC of Inasis Maybank Held a Cordial Eid ul Azha Reunion

The Student Leadership and Development Committee (SLDC) and the Principal of Inasis Maybank, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Associate Professor Dr. Mohamad Ghozali Hassan organized a cordial Eid reunion yesterday, August 28, 2019.

The program was also marked by farewell of two SLDC members Dr. Badamasi Saidu and Mr. Takad Ahmed Chowdhury. Dr. Saidu has completed his Ph.D. studies while Mr. Chowdhury is leaving UUM for Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to continue his Ph.D. studies. The program was attended by invited guests, fellows, and the SLDC members.

The principal of the inasis Associate Professor Dr. Mohamad Ghozali Hassan inaugurated the program with an inaugural speech. It was followed by farewell speeches from Mr. Takad Ahmed Chowdhury and Dr. Badamasi Saidu respectively. After that, ostaz Shamsul Effendi led a prayer wishing them good luck and peace and happiness of the Principal, all SLDC members,and the inasis residents.

A grand dinner was served in the final part of the program.